
Satoshi Flea Market Saigon - Christmas Edition?

tomo tomo Follow Aug 16, 2024 · 3 mins read
Satoshi Flea Market Saigon - Christmas Edition?
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TL, DR: We hope to bring about another version of the Saigon Satoshi Flea Market later this year - you can help make that happen by donating here.

July 2024 saw the inaugural version of the Satoshi Flea Market by the Saigon Bitcoin community which was warmly received by all participants.

While our community has gone through some significant changes and “lessons learned” experiences as we went deeper in our journey down the rabbit hole, and as the world has become vastly different from what it was ten years ago… our core mission has been purified and galvanized.

What generally unites us is the core belief:

Nobody is coming to save you!

If you’re the type who feels entitled and believes that others should “fix things” - it’s:

  1. likely not going to happen
  2. a sign that you are not a good fit for our group

You’ll find plenty of people, both online and offline, who are willing to engage in collective whining and victimhood sessions, but that’s not us.

We’re looking for people who are ready to contribute to the solutions for the problems we’re all facing.

Talking about problems is easy; tackling them is the hard part.

We all know the world is in a pretty perilous state these days as the old systems people used to rely on are breaking down, leaving people in the lurch left and right.

You can hope that someone else will come to save the day and bring back the “good ol’ times” (that’s the easy and naive path), or you can say, “F*ck it, this all stinks - it’s up to us to build something of value that I believe in, for the benefit of my family and community” (that’s hard because it requires a whole lot of work).

Voting at the ballot box is unlikely to change much. However, voting with your resources - supporting your friends and local community with your time, attention, and money - will likely have a much more direct impact on your happiness and livelihood.

While the Bitcoin Saigon community has not held many public events recently, we collectively felt that ‘the hour is late,’ and it’s high time to become more public-facing again.

It’s not just about “fixing money” - it’s about addressing a whole range of problems that stem from current economic distortions.

Falling birth rates, unaffordable housing for young people, and an increasingly toxic industrial food supply chain - these are the civilizational challenges we all face if we want to make the world a better place for future generations.

Additionally, there’s a lack of appreciation for strength, discipline, and virtue - qualities whose absence heralds the guaranteed downfall of society.

If a society collectively decides to only “live for the moment”, it won’t have a (good) future.

Sacrifices in the present are what’s required to create a brighter tomorrow for those who follow in our footsteps.

While we can’t change “what other people do”, we can change what we do.

And bringing together people who are on a similar path, sharing resources, knowledge, and - last but not least - goods and services we all need for a (good) life is part of that mission.

Supporting and subsidizing efforts to make our Satoshi Flea Market Saigon a more regular event is an initiative to bring us a step closer to the world we want to build for ourselves, our families and our friends.

If these words resonate with you, you know how to get in touch with us.

We hope to see you at our next public gathering.

If you can’t make it but still want to support what we do, you can do so here via our Donation page.

Written by tomo Follow
Hi, I'm Tomo!