Bitcoin Saigon - now also on Nostr

tomo tomo Follow Dec 21, 2022 · 1 min read
Bitcoin Saigon - now also on Nostr
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Your favorites bunch of whacky Bitcoiners in Saigon - now also available on Nostr.


You know what to do with it.

While Nostr is still pretty much an early-stage alpha version - the fact that certain BigTech companies felt the need to call Nostr out by name despite just being a couple of hundred users certainly allows for raised eyebrows.

Bitcoin Saigon - now also on Nostr

Naturally, the current userbase of Nostr has quite an overweight in fans of the orange coin - you can check out to discover some of your favourite follows from the bluebird app.

Furthermore we have been following and supporting the efforts of fellow Bitcoiner & Lightning tinkerer Fiatjaf for several years by now, therefore being early adopters of Nostr - after being early adopters of LNTXBot - is just keeping up with a good tradition.

So if you don’t like Telegram, don’t like Twitter - you can find updates from the community now also via Nostr.

Good luck to Fiatjaf & the gang to make Nostr protocol a thing!

If you would like to support the work of the Bitcoin Saigon Community - you can donate some of your Sats to us via our Donation page!!

Written by tomo Follow
Hi, I'm Tomo!